Graduate Students
- Hecheng Cai M.Sc. Student Sep. 2022- Lifelong Learning IJCAI’23, ACM MM’23, Huawei Scholarship’23 (华为奖学金), AAAI’24, IJCAI’24, ICML’24, ACM MM’24, SCU First Class Scholarship’24 (一等奖学金), National Scholarship’24 (国奖)
- Yuze Tan M.Sc. Student Sep. 2022- Unsupervised Representation Learning AAAI’23, CVPR’23, IJCAI’23, ACM MM’23, National Scholarship’23 (国奖), AAAI’24, IEEE TKDE’24, SCU First Class Scholarship’24 (一等奖学金), National Scholarship’24 (国奖)
- Hongjie Wu Ph.D Student Sep. 2022- Deep Learning (co-advised with Prof. Jiancheng Lv)
- Rui Huang M.Sc. Student Sep. 2023- AI4Science (co-advised with Prof. Wentao Feng)
- Hao Dai M.Sc. Student Sep. 2023- Reinforcement Learning ICML’24, ACM MM’24
- Peng Su M.Sc. Student Sep. 2023- Equivariant Learning IJCAI’24, ICML’24, National Scholarship’24 (国奖), AAAI’25
- Yang Liu Ph.D Student Sep. 2023- Embodied Learning ACM MM’23, IJCAI’24, ICML’24, AAAI’25*2
- Ping He Ph.D Student Sep. 2024- Neuromorphic Computing (co-advised with Prof. Rong Xiao)
- Xinliu Liu Ph.D Student Sep. 2024- Multimodal Learning (co-advised with Prof. Dezhong Peng)
- Zhiwen cao Ph.D Student Sep. 2024- Multimodal Continual Learning
Yixi Liu M.Sc. Sep. 2021 - Jun. 2024 Multi-view Learning ACM MM’22, IEEE TKDE’22, National Scholarship’22 (国奖), SCU First Class Scholarship’23 (一等奖学金), AAAI’23, CVPR’23, INFFUS’23, ACM MM’23, National Scholarship’23 (国奖), IJCAI’24, IEEE TKDE’24, 获四川大学2022-2023学年优秀研究生、四川大学2024届优秀毕业研究生、四川大学第十五届“优秀学术之星”、四川大学计算机学院(软件学院、智能科学与技术学院)2024届毕业研究生“学术之星”等荣誉。
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